Rosio (Rosie) Fuentes

Excited Curiosity Coach | Colorpuncturist | CI Practitioner & Private Mentor

First I’d like to thank you for your interest in a CI private mentor, if you are on this page, curiously seeking someone to accompany you on your 12 month journey through the professional program, on your 6-mo mentorship journey, applying for certification or even if you are currently a CI practitioner, we are all here to accompany you. You have lots of fully capable professionals to choose from.

A little about myself – my journey in CI has been life changing for myself and as a result of the work on myself it has been life changing for my family. Each professional program that CI has offered has helped transform myself of things I didn’t even know I needed help transforming. Looking back, the only thing I would have done differently is hired someone to walk along that journey with me, from the beginning, someone already trained in CI.

If you feel the same, and would like someone to accompany you, I’m here, ready to offer support. I have faith in myself and therefore in everyone I’ve come in contact with. I am a clear mirror and committed to walking alongside you every step of the way, even when those steps are painful to take.
My mentoring style is friendly with a healthy dose of role-playing, engaging with sub-personalities that show up in sessions and pure compassion and empathy.

As far as my experience with CI goes, I am a certified CI practitioner, have interned in both English and Spanish cohorts with Sat Dharam, Luke, Michelle, Sanjog. I’ve interned for CI Circles with Sanjog and Ildi, CI Short Course with Vimalasara, Suicide Attention Training with Camilla and Irina and Volunteered for a cohort with Soraya and SDK. Each and everyone of these facilitators have impacted my journey, my life and my soul.

Throughout my training I had the privilege to work with many participants in the year long program offering free sessions as I “practiced” CI or mentoring. Hands down that experience has been the most fulfilling. To be able to witness participants showing up for themselves, to know that there is another possibility for the way in which they think, behave or view the world. #priceless

I keep myself plugged into the community and am currently co-leading two focus groups, one in
English on Healing Racialized Trauma and one in Spanish, Apoyo y Consulta Entre Pares. I also humbly serve in the role of the Spanish Intern and Volunteer Coordinator.

I love this community and am grateful for all that it’s given me, even the challenges. Thank you for reading and I am looking forward to meeting you!


Stephany Dano

CI mentor, Somatic Therapist, Coach and Facilitator

My main goal as a mentor is to offer you a connection between your knowledge, your
sensing, and your gut intuition of using CI.
My vision is for you to find more ease, be more present and less triggered while seeing
beyond the narrative of your client.
I look forward to collaborating with you to strengthen where you are already good at on
your CI journey, while also making you connect in your -maybe- least practiced part and
find confidence there.
Mentoring Specifics
– I always work from broad concepts to details during our sessions, so you can apply
what you need to various situations as a practitioner in the future.
– I meet you where you are at: I have developed a specialty in getting to sense very
quickly how my clients see the world, so we can speak the same language and see
what gets in the way of your opportunity for growth.
– At the same time, I will make you see how your client is, reinforcing your practice
with verbal and somatic cues.
I put myself into your shoes and will show you how to do the same without losing yourself
along the way (there are tools if you are highly sensitive).
My Background
Being a CI practitioner since Jan. 2019, I have dedicated myself to personal development
since 2016, after a period of shifts that included the loss of close ones and a life-
threatening experience.
Even though I specialized in Sociology and Cross-cultural during my High School and
Business studies, I fully started my practice with holistic/Gestalt coaching (Co-Active
institute- CTI) and a continuum of studies of more than 1000 hours of Somatic Practice
and Personality/therapy tools. Some of these are:
– ICF-PCC Coaching certified (+500 hours)
– Zen Leadership and 4 Elements (Ginny Whitelaw)
– Uzazu Dynamic embodiment (Dylan Newcomb, which encompasses Somatic
Experiencing with Betsy Polatin, Mindfulness Self-Compassion with Kristin Neff,
some Feldenkrais techniques with Paul Linden, Body-Mind Centering with Martha
Eddy, and bodywork)
– Embodiment Facilitator and Embodiment Yoga Principles Certified
– Enneagram practitioner with The Enneagram Prison Project
– Intuition boot camps and workshops with Laura Day

– Nervous system- Smart Body Smart Mind with Irene Lyon

Working areas
I work a big part of my time creating awareness and choice for executive and private
clients, with most topics related to Embodiment and relationships/communication issues.
In an executive-corporate context, I usually receive the feedback: “Stephany sensed who I
am in the very first minutes. Now I understand why I have this communication gap with x”
While I have already been a temporary mentor for the Uzazu Dynamic Embodiment and
the Embodiment Facilitator Course, I usually participate in sharing knowledge through
conferences (The Embodiment Conference 2018 and 2020, the Trauma Conference),
courses, or through my Podcast: I am always
advocating for the mind-body connection.
I work in English, French, and Spanish

Location: Newport, United Kingdom

Leigh Aschoff

Private Mentor, Somatic Healing Practitioner, Wisdom Inviter

Greetings wonderful being. My intention in every CI Mentoring session is to honor your gifts, meet you where you are on your growth continuum and respond to you in ways that align with your learning style.

Mentoring invites us into a deeper understanding of CI and how best to offer it to those we work with. Important features of this process are your developmental learning needs and your authenticity as a CI Practitioner.

Through a present moment process of compassionate curiosity, we discover new possibilities for you to experience a deeper embodied understanding of the CI qualities, skills and stepping stones in a way that is authentic to you and in ways that usher your gifts to bloom and flourish in the world.

Wherever you are on your CI journey, I welcome you. I honor engaging with a process as an essential part of maintaining connection to our heart, body and authenticity while taking steps towards a goal or transformational change.

My style as a CI Mentor is open, compassionate, communicative, empathic, connected, respectful, focused, organized, responsive, curious and playful. My most cherished experiences of receiving mentoring that are woven through my style are generosity, encouragement and safety. I have deep confidence in your gifts and enjoy the collaborative process of uncovering and exploring them together.

We heal in relationship and we also learn in relationship. I look forward to being present with you in a learning process.

Location: California, USA

Katrina Johnston

Private Mentor

My intention as a Compassionate Inquiry Private Mentor, is to support you
and to collaborate with you to achieve your personal and professional goals
and to refine your Compassionate Inquiry skills and competencies, whether
for self-development, certification or recertification.
Some background: I have been working with people since 1998, including as
a therapeutic mentor in a London-based recovery treatment center and as a
sponsor, yoga teacher and bodywork practitioner: yoga in the Sivananda
tradition and bodywork in Ayurvedic tradition and in Esalen®️. I am from the
CI May 2020 cohort. Since certification, I have completed the CI internship,
two rounds of CI Circles as participant and intern, the 5-month mentorship
program and the Mentor-in-Training program as well as Basics in
Clinical Supervision Training online with Dr. Jeff Chang in preparation to
mentor others using best ethical and cultural and therapeutic practices. I have
also hosted a CI Focus Group for two years. I discovered Dr. Gabor Maté in
2013 at a Recovery 1.0 conference with Tommy Rosen, and my conviction
was complete after reading In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts in 2018.
As a mentor, in addition to CI experience, I draw from 30+ years of direct
personal & work experience: past and present spiritual teachers and
teachings; professional trainings in yoga, bodywork, CI, coaching, meditation;
addiction/codependency/12-step programs; also from literature/books,
poetry; and from other modalities like watsu, dance, voice work and retreats;
and from being in a relationship and in community. It is my wish to evoke in
you, your fullest potential in your work with your clients with CI. I see
mentoring as a service to you, to Self and to our clients and our CI community
at large.
I identify as a global citizen, originally from the UK, born/bred in Hong Kong,
with roots in India, Bali, Scotland and London and currently living in Puglia,
Italy – living the ‘slow life’ surrounded by Nature. It would be my privilege to
work with you.

Location: Italy

Irma Rubil – Jonatan

Private Mentor, Psychotherapist

Irma is a mentor with over 20 years of professional experience, and with a background in trauma and forensic work. As a psychotherapist focused on trauma and PTSD, she understands the complexity of treating clients with co-occurring disorders. With extensive experience working with trauma survivors, particularly those of childhood sexual abuse, she recognizes the challenges of addressing PTSD alongside conditions like depression, anxiety, and substance use disorders. Despite years of experience, many therapists struggle to provide optimal care in such cases.
If you’re looking to deepen your understanding of trauma’s impact and learn effective strategies to alleviate clients’ symptoms, you’re in the right place. Mentoring is designed to enhance your professional performance and personal development. Her area of specialisation lies in supporting survivors of childhood sexual abuse, and rape survivors, giving them a secure and supportive environment for their recovery process, and enabling her clients to take back their lives and overcome adversity.

She received training in a number of therapeutic modalities (CI, IFS, CPT, Schema Therapy, IRRT, PET, PICT, and NET), and she provides guidance and support for those who are seeking personal growth and development.

Location: UK, Croatia

Dagmara Ziniewicz

Life Coach

I have a versatile background in different modalities and practices – Vipassana, Osho Thearpy, Qi Gong, Non Duality.
They all contributed not only to my personal growth but also to my professional practice.I hold an MA in Education and Social Pedagogy, NLP Coaching Certification, Kundalini Yoga and Integrative Yoga teacher, Somatic Meditation Teacher and Non Dual Approach.

My healing journey spans continents and cultures, enriching my soul with the tapestry of human experience. As an emigrant traversing the globe, transcending borders and boundaries i found not only new horizons but also profound lessons in compassion and understanding..My 20 years nomadic odyssey gifted me with a treasure trove of inner insights, allowing me to bridge divides and connect with individuals from all walks of life on a profound level.
I ve learned from each encounter and wove those lessons into the fabric of my own being.I experienced many different approaches andI discovered that only non judgmental, curiosity based attuned coaching helped me to grow beyond my limits.
Seeing non judgement as a cornerstone of the mentorship practice I blend sincerity and practicality- giving a clear guidance how to improve CI skills and qualities.Drawing from the mosaic of cultures and experiences encountered along my journey, I cultivate an approach to mentorship—that is rooted in empathy, cultural humility and genuine desire to meet a person where she/he is with a curiosity while focusing on developing authentic connections. I believe that true growth stems from a foundation of trust which creates a safe space where mentees feel empowered to explore their aspirations and navigate their challenges with courage and grace .

I speak Polish/English and Spanish, now passionately bringing the wisdom of CI to my home country Poland.


Mirabela Butiri

Private mentor, Psychotherapist

Hello, I’m Mirabela, and I’m here to support you on your Compassionate Inquiry journey, regardless of where you may find yourself along the way. Whether you’re enrolled in the year-long CI program, seeking mentorship for certification, or aiming for recertification, my goal is to help you develop competence in the Compassionate Inquiry process and confidence as a Compassionate Inquiry practitioner.

In our mentoring sessions, I will focus on expanding your knowledge of Compassionate Inquiry skills and competencies and I am also dedicated to exploring subconscious patterns and subpersonalities that may impact your therapy sessions with clients. Compassionate Inquiry offers a rich approach and we can find together different possibilities to work with your clients. However, I believe the most important aspect is becoming aware of recurring patterns in your sessions with clients that might be in the way during the therapeutic process. Once you identify and address these patterns, sessions tend to flow more smoothly.

My approach is deeply relational and person-centered, where safety, trust, and compassion serve as the foundation for growth and learning. Reflecting on my own experiences working with my mentors, I recognize that I could only learn and grow when I felt safe. Therefore, I am committed to creating a safe, supportive, and nurturing environment where you can flourish both personally and professionally.

On a professional level, I have been studying psychology for almost 15 years, dedicating myself to understanding the complexities of the human system. As an authorized Psychotherapist, I work in my private practice where I specialize in working with clients on various aspects of trauma. I am trained in different modalities such as Integrative Psychotherapy, Somatic Experiencing, Internal Family Systems, and Schema Therapy, allowing me to offer comprehensive and holistic support to those in need.

Since the birth of my child, my passion for understanding child psychology has deepened and I have pursued specific training and obtained certification in two parenting modalities: Aware Parenting and Positive Parenting. This additional expertise enables me to provide invaluable guidance and support to parents navigating the challenges of raising children in today’s world.

If you have any questions or wish to learn more about how I can support you on your journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m here to help you thrive personally and professionally.


Terri Ewart

Private Mentor

My passion, as a CI Mentor, is supporting Mentees to learn the skills and ways of
being that allow you to create the space that your clients need, to feel safe enough to

My own approach to CI is highly somatic, and my passion is supporting Mentees to
feel easefully confident in understanding and working with the emotions and
sensations felt in the body, in conjunction with the belief systems of their clients. I
deeply value the wisdom held within the body.

This is tempered with my desire to centre and align myself to you and your
intentions. Those come first.

Supporting you in achieving the competence and confidence necessary to reach
your chosen goals, whether this be in the year long CI program, the mentorship, certifying or
re certifying. My approach is grounded in the belief that by embracing and nurturing your
unique self, you can flourish while upholding the essential qualities, skills, and stepping
stones of the CI approach in a relaxed and collaborative manner.

My path with Mentoring has been guided by my work on my personal belief systems
including my "I’m not good enough" and the terror I felt in receiving feedback.
Because of this, I place great emphasis on creating a therapeutic alliance that
fosters empathetic understanding, respect and genuineness. I bring curiosity,
playfulness and of course compassion recognising these as vital elements to our
relational process, encouraging growth and confidence within the co-created
container we build.

Having been trained as a Somatic Therapist, specialising in sex and intimacy, I run
an in-person and online private practice from home. My journey of self-discovery and
growth has been significantly supported by self-compassion. Like many others,
compassion has been the KEY piece to my healing journey. It is a privilege to now
extend that throughout the Mentor – Mentee alliance.

I have been a CI Practioner since May 2023 and have completed Lois Erhman’s
clinical supervision training. I am a registered Sexological bodyworker, Somatic
Educator and currently have the pleasure of Interning in two biweekly groups and am
currently keeping the part of me that loves learning happy as I journey through the
Mentor in Training Program.

In my life outside of Mentoring I reside on a lifestyle block in New Zealand with my
two teenage boys, cats, dogs, cows and a collection of people (it takes a village to
raise a village!). My joy comes from cooking, yoga, dancing, and sauna sessions.
Self-care and continuous self-exploration are paramount to me, as they enable me to
be more and more present for my family, friends, private practice clients, and of
course, my mentees.

I look forward to journeying with you…….

Terri Ewart


Nathalie LeFave

Private Mentor, Mind Body Coach

Hello, I’m Nathalie LeFave, and I’m excited to serve as your Compassionate Inquiry Private Mentor. My journey as a mentor has been significantly shaped by the invaluable guidance I’ve received from mentors, enhancing my CI skills and nurturing my unique approach.

Whether you’re undergoing CI training, pursuing certification, or looking to refine your skills, my mentoring style is focused on recognizing your strengths and areas for growth. I draw inspiration from various modalities including mind-body coaching, hypnotherapy, Forrest yoga, and energy healing, offering a holistic approach to learning.

As a multicultural woman with diverse experiences, I bring a unique perspective to our mentorship. My aim is to assist you in integrating CI competencies into your style, fostering collaboration and co-creation in our learning journey.

My approach to mentoring is rooted in compassion, creating a supportive environment where questions are welcomed and addressed thoroughly. I’m committed to employing diverse teaching methods to ensure a comprehensive understanding of CI principles.

I prioritize empowerment, guiding you to refine your skills and trust your intuition for seamless integration into your practice. Together, we’ll explore strategies for managing challenges and enhancing sessions, tailoring solutions to meet your specific needs.

Through self-reflection and thought-provoking questions, I encourage you to identify barriers to presence, fostering self-awareness and personal growth.

Establishing a strong mentor-mentee relationship built on trust, honesty, and compassion is fundamental to our journey together. I’m dedicated to helping you uncover your innate potential and supporting your growth on the path of Compassionate Inquiry.

I invite you to embark on this transformative journey with me.

Link to my Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner Bio here: Nathalie LeFave | Compassionate Inquiry



Sonja Buskey

Private Mentor, LCSW, Psychotherapist

My intention as a mentor is to gently support you in developing awareness of who you are as a
practitioner as you move deeper into your understanding of Compassionate Inquiry while
enhancing your skills and creating a safe relational container for your clients. The goal of our
collaborative process is for you to be supported in the ways that you need in a manner that can
be fully received.

I am currently a psychotherapist in private practice who began my journey in Compassionate
Inquiry in 2019. I have a master’s degree in social work with a background in working for a non-
profit with individuals who have experienced domestic violence, sexual assault, childhood
sexual abuse, human trafficking, homelessness, and addiction. Bringing a compassionate
approach to those who often do not receive one is my passion.
Compassionate Inquiry has been personally transformative for me, and it would be an honor to
assist you in your own journey.

Location: Virginia Beach, Virginia USA