Natalia Sotomayor (Sanjog Kaur)

Private Mentor, Life Coach

My first encounter with the work of Dr. Gabor Maté was in 2012 through the Beyond Addiction program. As a person who struggled with an eating disorder since my early teenage years, Gabor’s work gave me resources to approach the symptoms of my ED from a place of compassion, understanding and possibility, something I had not encountered in any of the other healing approaches that I had tried. The deep healing I experienced with everything I was learning in Beyond Addiction encouraged me to continue exploring this work, leading me to become a CI Practitioner in 2019, and a CI Facilitator shortly after. I currently dedicate my life to offering group and individual therapy. I’m also the Director of the CI programs in Spanish, a kundalini yoga teacher and practitioner, and a passionate researcher of ways in which this approach can be adapted to diverse cultural backgrounds. From a professional perspective, I have a background in Anthropology and Gender Studies, and have trained in Art Therapy foundations, Brainspotting and IFS.

As a CI Mentor, my intention is to assist you in further developing your CI skills, in a way that is gentle and compassionate with your own internal system, and that enhances your authentic self. In our one on one sessions, I will first invite you to establish your own intentions for our five month journey. With those intentions in mind-body and heart, we will then create a safe space to support the connection with the qualities of yourSelf and to explore the parts of your personality that might get in the way of trusting the power of your Presence and the process of your clients and of the relationship you establish with them. I will also assist you to connect with your body and mind in ways that can facilitate your intuition in practicing CI, encouraging the emergence of  your own healing energy in the process. I work both in Spanish as well as English.

Phone: +593-98-781-35-07
Location: Quito, Ecuador