Mary Lennon


To enhance Mary’s work as a Licensed Acupuncturist, Mary has completed training as a Compassionate Inquiry practitioner, Compassionate Inquiry mentor and Compassionate Inquiry circle leader.

Mary holds a wealth of life experience including 20+ years within the Aviation Industry, where she was an airline pilot, aircraft flight instructor, flight operation coordinator and a flight simulator instructor on jet aircraft.

This experience offers a unique skill set of perception, observation, calmness, safety, clarity and presence.

These qualities as well as the knowledge and insights Mary has gained from her own deep work, through various modalities including shamanic and spiritual practices are embedded within her therapeutic work.

Mary continues to deepen her skills and professional development by studying the work of Dan Siegel, Bessel van der Kolk, Janina Fisher and of course Gabor Maté.

Location: County Kildare, Ireland