Maria (Manjeet Adi) Egervari

Private Mentor, ND

My journey in working with people has been meandering, covering a lot of aspects from physica, to mental-emotional and social aspects of health and wellbeing. I unpredictably ended up in Beyond Addiction, a yoga and process work immersion program, working with Sat Dharam and attending the first 2-day Compassionate Inquiry workshop with Gabor in 2016.

I started out as a medical doctor, later became a naturopathic doctor. I have also been working in the social work field with people with addiction and mental health challenges. Learning and using Compassionate Inquiry in my work feels like “coming home”. This approach taught me and it continues to teach me to let go of the need to know, and follow the client with my intuition as it shows up in an attuned connection with the person. Having confidence, complete trust in the client’s process is liberating. This journey has taken me from my mind to my heart and brought me to honour the connection between the two. My spiritual name Manjeet reflects that: “Man” meaning mindheart, as one.

My intention with being a mentor is to support you in recognizing your gifts, being part of your journey in letting go of the need to know, to fix, or help. I aim to be a clear mirror for you, and pass on as much as possible of my experience with Compassionate Inquiry. I am passionate about practicing and mentoring Compassionate Inquiry and feel tremendous gratitude to be part of this training program.

See Maria practitioner bio here.

Phone: +1-416-233-2211
Location: Toronto, ON, Canada