Note: this page is for those that have completed the Compassionate Inquiry® Professional Online Training. If you would like learn more about the year-long Professional Online Training or to apply, click here for more info.

The Compassionate Inquiry® Mentorship Program

After you have fulfilled the course requirements for the year long professional online training, you may apply for the formal 6-month Mentorship Program to develop your skills further, or to support you in your initial years of private practice.

The Compassionate Inquiry Mentorship Program is a proactive, planned, purposeful, goal-oriented, intentional and supportive activity designed to enhance your skills and efficacy as a CI Practitioner. Its strength derives from the positive regard and commitment between the Mentee, Mentors and peers and the practical use of a distinct set of measurable competencies and goals that are realistic, measurable, attainable and self-directed. 

The Mentorship Program is a process to preserve the quality and integrity of the Compassionate Inquiry approach and prepares you to apply for certification as a CI Practitioner. There is no guarantee that you will be ready to apply for certification at the end of the Mentorship Program. It may take additional mentoring sessions or another round of the Mentorship Program for you to be prepared for certification. 

Please watch the video below if you would like to know more details about the Mentorship Program.

If you are using the Mentorship Program as preparation for certification, you must apply for the Mentorship Program within two years of the last day of your year-long Compassionate Inquiry® Professional Online Training. (If you utilized the 6-month extension that was offered, the last day of the program does not include the extension, but is the day before the extension begins).

If you are already certified as a Compassionate Inquiry® Practitioner, you can apply for or repeat the Mentorship Program any time to refine your skills. Some practitioners may want to retake the Mentorship Program every few years to continually develop their Compassionate Inquiry® competencies.

The Mentorship Program is organized in flexible 6-month blocks. Some individuals may require participation in more than one 6-month block to be ready for certification. Participation in the Mentorship Program does not guarantee certification as a Compassionate Inquiry® Practitioner.

The next block will run from August 2024 to February 2025.

We run two 6-month blocks annually, beginning in August and February.

The Mentors for the Upcoming Mentorship Program are:

Allison Creech, M.ED, ND

bio pic 2019

In January 2019, I began what would become an immersive and transformational journey in Compassionate Inquiry. As I moved from participant to intern to mentee, I improved my skills, deepened my presence, and learned more about myself. The Mentorship Program provides a unique opportunity, and for me, the phrase “who you are and how you show up as a therapist” is at the heart of it all. As a Compassionate Inquiry mentor, I hope to be a resource for your authentic development and to offer you individualized support as you cultivate your practice. I work from a relational and transformational perspective, honouring the unique strengths and capacities that each person brings to the process.

My background is in clinical psychology, medicine, and education. My professional credentials include a Master’s degree and PhD training in clinical psychology and I am licensed as a doctor of naturopathic medicine. I have been a professor since 2004 and along the way have taken advanced training that supports my professional development, including a recent course in clinical supervision. I have worked with students, colleagues, and clients in support of their development and have experienced the benefits of direct experiential process and reflective practice in learning.

I’ve spent the last twenty years expanding my understanding of health psychology, mind-body medicine, and conscious communication. I have a deep appreciation for the potential that is present at the interface of consciousness, emotion, physiology, and energy. As we become more present and connected with ourselves, there is safety and space for authentic expression through our body, psyche, life, and community. It is my honour to be a Compassionate Inquiry mentor and to help support you in your own process of compassionate practice.

See their practitioner bio here.

Dr. Luke Sniewski

Luke Bio Pic

My name is Luke. I’m a Wellbeing Coach and Somatic Therapist. I’m also a Facilitator, Mentor, and Practitioner of Compassion Inquiry. Within the context of mentoring, I enjoy – maybe a little too much – unpacking the richness, depth, and wisdom within every single moment of a Compassionate Inquiry session. There is so much to learn about the client – and therapist – if only we pay attention to the small and sometimes overlooked details. I also believe there is no right/wrong or good/bad choices in Compassionate Inquiry… there is only possibility.

For those wanting to work with me as their mentor, know that the end goal is not to acquire knowledge of the Compassionate Inquiry stepping stones (though there will be some exploration of those where relevant), but rather to deepen the awareness of who you are as a practitioner within session, to become aware of subconscious patterns that erode the client’s sense of autonomy, and learn what it means to – truly – trust the client’s innate process of healing.

See their practitioner bio here.

Sat Dharam Kaur ND


As a Compassionate Inquiry Mentor, I will be working with you to help you achieve your personal and professional goals and competencies related to Compassionate Inquiry. I would like to share some of my professional background with you. I have been practicing full-time as a naturopathic doctor since 1989, with a focus on women’s health, cancer and mind-body approaches to healing. Since 2019, much of my naturopathic practice has included Compassionate Inquiry.

I have been studying, hosting, working and teaching with Dr. Gabor Maté since 2012, and have devoted myself to the task of structuring his work in a format that could be taught to others, as well as to become adept at it myself. I have worked closely alongside Gabor since 2018, specifically developing the Compassionate Inquiry training. I have completed a Basics in Clinical Supervision Training online with Dr. Jeff Chang to prepare myself to mentor others using best practices.

My educational background includes a BA with a major in psychology and English literature, and a B.Sc. in biology from the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada. I completed postgraduate studies in naturopathic medicine at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto. I taught stress management and women’s health at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine for 10 years. I also completed a diploma in fine art from the Ontario College of Art and Design, with a focus on drawing, painting and sculpture. I’ve written three books on women’s health and have presented at numerous conferences.

My other passion has been Kundalini Yoga, which I have practiced and taught for over 45 years. I have been training and mentoring Kundalini Yoga teachers for 20 years, and teach internationally. I’ve developed yoga-based curriculums in addiction recovery, trauma and breast health and train teachers in those specialties. I have a daily yoga and meditation practice that sustains me.

I live with my husband in an off-grid home on 105 acres of beautiful land and take care of fruit trees and a large garden. I enjoy hiking, cycling, and communing with plants. I have three adult children and two grandchildren.

See their practitioner bio here.

Michelle Peddle, RP

Mimi in india close up

It is a pleasure to be joining you on this Compassionate Inquiry Mentorship journey. I was the first official cohort to graduate from the Compassionate Inquiry year long training, one of the first official Interns to finish the Internship, one of the first official Mentees to finish the Mentorship Program, and when asked jumped at the opportunity to become your Mentor. This program has changed my entire being and I am thrilled to share all that I know with you while continuing to deepen my knowledge, and love of Compassionate Inquiry with you.

Dr. Jeff Chang was one of my professors in University and I have recently completed his Clinical Supervision Training online. I am a Registered Psychotherapist and a Registered Yoga Therapist with the International Yoga Therapy Association. I have a private practice out of my home-based office located in a small rural community in Ontario and have been working in social services since 2009. My educational background consists of a Masters in Psychological Counselling, a Post-Graduate Diploma in Addictions: Treatment and Prevention, and a Degree in Sociology

In my early 20’s, I witnessed first-hand the powerful impact of blending Eastern spiritual practices with Western psychology. It was at that time that I started studying yoga with Sat Dharam Kaur and was introduced to the work of Dr. Gabor Mate. Being equally evidence-based, client-centered, and spiritually aligned, I thrive to offer unique opportunities to learn, grow, heal and reconnect with yourself in your personal and professional lives.

See their practitioner bio here.

Stephen Brown

Stephen Brown Front

My intention is to support you as your learning, understanding, and practice of Compassionate Inquiry evolves and expands.

I have been following Dr Gabor Mate’s work since 2016 and was delighted to attend a two-day conference with him in Cork 2018. For more than 25 years I have worked with people, primarily in group settings utilising the natural environment and outdoor activities. I have spent many years working with young people at risk, young and adult offenders, and those who wished to bring about change in their life. I provide empowering experiences such as Firewalking, retreats in the Sahara Desert and Bali, and opportunities for connection with Self, community, and nature; and people were benefitting. However, I was aware that people wanted to go deeper, understand themselves better, and heal. When I saw Gabor working with people, I instantly knew that I wanted to learn more from him and share that with the people I was working with. It was like I had just found the missing jigsaw piece. I was delighted to join the Compassionate Inquiry programme in 2019, certify as a Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner, and now serve as a mentor.

As well as Compassionate Inquiry, I trained in and use Internal Family Systems, and have begun the 3-year training in Somatic Experiencing. To support your process on the Mentorship Programme, I completed the Basics in Clinical Supervision Training with Jeff Chang. I have spent over 25 years training, mentoring, and supporting people as facilitators and instructors in a wide range of skills that support the development of Self.

I believe that the Mentorship Programme has the potential to be the most enriching part of your Compassionate Inquiry training. I wish you every success with it and I would be delighted to assist you in your professional development.

See their practitioner bio here.

Maria (Manjeet Adi) Egervari, ND


My journey in working with people has been meandering, covering a lot of aspects from physica, to mental-emotional and social aspects of health and wellbeing. I unpredictably ended up in Beyond Addiction, a yoga and process work immersion program, working with Sat Dharam and attending the first 2-day Compassionate Inquiry workshop with Gabor in 2016.

I started out as a medical doctor, later became a naturopathic doctor. I have also been working in the social work field with people with addiction and mental health challenges. Learning and using Compassionate Inquiry in my work feels like “coming home”. This approach taught me and it continues to teach me to let go of the need to know, and follow the client with my intuition as it shows up in an attuned connection with the person. Having confidence, complete trust in the client’s process is liberating. This journey has taken me from my mind to my heart and brought me to honour the connection between the two. My spiritual name Manjeet reflects that: “Man” meaning mindheart, as one.

My intention with being a mentor is to support you in recognizing your gifts, being part of your journey in letting go of the need to know, to fix, or help. I aim to be a clear mirror for you, and pass on as much as possible of my experience with Compassionate Inquiry. I am passionate about practicing and mentoring Compassionate Inquiry and feel tremendous gratitude to be part of this training program.

See Maria practitioner bio here.

Lorraine O’Mullane

Hi, I’m Lorraine.

As a Mentor, my intention is to support your growth and learning as you deepen your Compassionate Inquiry practice.

My aim is to offer you an experience of collaborative learning similar to the one offered to me when I was a Mentee. These 5 months transformed not only my practice but also my self-awareness and showed me the value of this guidance.
The Mentorship Programme offers a very special training that whilst challenging and rigorous is one of the most enjoyable things I have ever done.

I finished the Mentorship training having gained confidence in my abilities as a practitioner and a strong desire to learn the skills of mentorship that had been modelled to me. My style of mentoring is supportive, compassionate, gently direct and tailored to you.

I have worked as a therapist for over 10 years and began my Compassionate Inquiry journey in 2019.
I certified as a Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner 2020, completed Compassionate Inquiry Mentorship 2021, completed Basics of Supervision Training with Lois Ehrmann 2021, Compassionate Inquiry Internship 2022, completed Compassionate Inquiry Mentoring Internship 2022.

Compassionate Inquiry has changed everything for me and allows me to connect with people and the world in ways that I didn’t know were possible before.
I hope my connection with you is one that we both grow from, learn from, and will look back on as a moment in time that we were both glad to have had.

Mary Lennon

Mary’s intention in mentoring is to help build the mentee’s competence, confidence, and effectiveness in their Compassionate Inquiry approach. She is very adaptable and tailors each session to meet the bespoke needs of the mentee.
Mary has an intuitive eye and uses encouragement and support to draw out the
unique qualities and skills, which perhaps the mentee may not as yet see in

Having gone through the process, Mary has met many edges of her own
Blind spots and sub personalities, therefore is familiar with the landscape.
She delivers feedback with warmth and kindness, holding attention to detail with
gentle directness and honesty.

Mary is open, empathetic and holds a safe relational field.
She is looking forward to supporting you through this process and meeting you
with curiosity and a passion to share with you all she has learned.

Soraya Romao-Inglis

My aim is to provide you the support and guidance you are looking for to feel confident about the Compassionate Inquiry approach. As a mentor, my goal is to hold a ‘brave space’ where you can

In our mentoring sessions, I will integrate Compassionate Inquiry, IFS (Internal Family Systems), and mindfulness practices. I work from a multicultural compassionate lens which gives me the opportunity to explore with curiosity the presence of intersectionality in your clients’ lives as well as its influences. I was born in Brazil, but I have been a settler in Canada for over 20 years. As a BIPOC person, I also bring into our mentor sessions the teachings received from my ancestors.

As a mentor, my goal is to hold a ‘brave space’ where you can experience and acknowledge your personal feelings related to your client-scenarios. Through a reflective approach, I will meet you where you are at. I believe the importance of building a ‘mentorship alliance’ which would open a space to a better understanding of your process as a Compassionate Inquiry practitioner.

I have completed two courses in Clinical Supervision: 1) Lois Ehrmann, PhD, LPC, NCC/ACS (online); and 2) Devon Silvers, M.A, R.C.C at City University of Seattle.

Languages Spoken: English, Brazilian Portuguese and Spanish

Other Certified Training: Psychotherapist (Master’s in counselling), IFS, EMDR, Psychedelics-assisted psychotherapy, Kundalini Yoga and life coach

Profession: Psychotherapist and Kundalini Yoga teacher

Specialties: trauma, eating disorders, addiction, anxiety and depression

Rati Roberta Riccardi

Since starting the Compassionate Inquiry learning journey in 2019, I have been fully devoted and dedicated to this approach, as I found I could not get enough! My inquisitive mind and avid curiosity led me through all of the training options offered to becoming a mentor, and it has been an extraordinary fulfilling experience. Initially, my intention was to keep immersing myself in this model and continue learning deeper and deeper aspects, however as I went through the mentor training I realised how much I enjoyed supporting others in refining and owning their skills. You can expect a collaborative experience, where together we will explore the different possibilities within the Compassionate Inquiry approach, whilst paying attention to detail and striving for excellence.

About me: Born in Italy, I currently live and practice in Australia, a single mother of one grown up young man. In one of my “previous lives”, as I like to affectionately refer to them, I worked as a professional freelance translator, mainly in the medical and technical field, with a degree in Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators from Trieste University, Italy. Meanwhile I was nurturing a fervid interest in human consciousness, the mechanics of healing and wellness and the meaning of the human experience. I am a Hatha and Nada (sacred sound) certified yoga teacher, sound meditation therapist, energy and bodyworker. I have extensive experience in plant medicine facilitation with a focus on preparation and integration (aspects which are unfortunately often overlooked in the current state of affairs and where Compassionate Inquiry came as a strong support beacon). I have facilitated group experiences in the Brazilian Amazon involving Santo Daime, Umbandaime and Indigenous Plant Medicine Ceremonies. I am trained in Attunement Therapy, Spiritual Emergency and have extensive experience in personal growth therapy group work, meditation, breathwork.

I am a musician and song writer and this supports all aspects of my work.

I have recently completed the Lois Ehrmann Clinical Supervision Course.

Ildiko Acs

Mental Health Practitioner

Ildi has twenty years of experience in Human Resources in the corporate world. Her unhealthy attachment to work and her commitment to understand her own destructive behaviors led her to CI, where she was looking for answers until discovering her authentic self with the support of the caring and compassionate CI community. Her biggest challenge was self-compassion and be aware of her own suffer in which the CI approach was transformational for her as CI turned her focus inward, and she was able to notice her thoughts, feelings, sensations in a non-judgmental and curious way.

She is honored and grateful to all of her clients for showing her their vulnerability and allowing her to inquire into their life stories in addition to accompanying them on their own journeys of discovery. She has the qualities to hold a safe container in a humbly way for her clients to tap into themselves and realize their current and repeating patterns in which they stuck and skillfully support them to re-pattern their established habitual grooves to embody who they really are and move towards new spaces of possibilities.

Ildi is a CI Practitioner, Mentor and Circle Leader. She has completed the CI Mentorship Program, CI Internship Program, CI Mentoring Internship Program, and continues to develop her skills by being part of the CI community. She persistently broadens her knowledge in order to support others in their healing through various approaches. She has recently started her journey with Internal Family Systems.

Tiph Fedor

Tiph started her journey as an energy healer over 30 years ago and is a registered Counsellor and Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner.

She is a certified Mindfulness Practitioner, having trained with Eckhart Tolle and uses her ability to hold deep presence with her skills as a Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner to support people through their journey of trauma to a place of authentic connection with themselves.  

Tiph has her own private practice based in the Herefordshire countryside and works with couples and individuals from around the world.

She is deeply committed to her own process and that of her clients and sees her journey of self development as being intertwined with her work as a therapist.  

She believes that the spiritual journey is deeply connected to working through trauma and that the two happen in conjunction with each other.

She has completed the Compassionate Inquiry Mentorship programme and is looking forward to continuing her journey within the Compassionate Inquiry community.  

Lucie Mattar

I am a lifelong passionate experiential learner of heart based ‘alternative’ arts of healing and counselling inspired early on by a knowing that there was more than what was visible to the eye. This eventually led me on a path of inner work, exploration, discovery, relearning and remembering who I AM through the power of different approaches and energy healing – Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, Essences, dance, Syntonic mouvement, Yamuna, meditation, Psychology of Vision, Course in Miracles, Being with Dying, the Tree of Life, the Divine Feminine, and Oneness to name a few.

After the death of my little brother when I was 11 my life shifted radically. The trauma from the loss was deep and as a sensitive soul it was isolating and confusing. Not surprising that my journey led me to the field of hospice palliative care where, for 25 years I witnessed, held, journeyed alongside people experiencing the depth of grief, sorrow, despair, and I also witnessed strength, courage, resilience, compassion and love.

My post secondary formal education began in Broadcasting, then at university I studied Women’s Studies, Social Work and received Master’s degree of Arts in Leadership and Training.

My studies in Compassionate Inquiry came at a perfect time and transition in my life. The Compassionate Inquiry approach infused new life, creative energy and inspiration into my counselling practice. Being a witness and guide for those who courageously want to grow and heal continues to be a profound joy,  honour and privilege.

Alexandra MacKay

Alexandra’s intention is to create a safe, attuned, compassionate and non-judgmental presence in which healing, growth and connection is possible.

She has worked more than 16 years in non-profit community mental health and addiction agencies, as well as child-welfare.  Currently, she’s employed at a hospital providing clinical services in the outpatient, mental health and addictions department.  Alexandra has her Masters of Social Work from the University of Toronto and has her Certificate in Couple and Family Therapy Studies from the University of Guelph. She is a Compassionate Inquiry Facilitator, Practitioner and Circle Leader. Alexandra also has a private practice where she works with diverse populations including individuals, couples and families. 

She is an associate member of the Canadian Association for Marriage and Family Therapy.

Priya Duggal

Priya Duggal ND is a registered naturopathic doctor practicing in Vaughan, Ontario. The areas of focus in her practice are breast cancer, autoimmune disorders, addictions, and mental health. She is a firm believer of Mind-Body Medicine. Priya is a Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner, Facilitator, Educator, and Circle Leader.

She was born and raised in India where she became a medical doctor. Upon moving to Canada, she added to her skills and obtained a degree from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. She spends her time between both Canada and India. She enjoys nature walks, painting, playing with her pet-Kaju, spending quality time with her husband and adult children.

Priya’s journey to self-healing began when she took the Healthy Breast Program with Sat Dharam Kaur, ND. Her quest for personal and professional growth continued by training in Kundalini Yoga, Beyond Addiction and Compassionate Inquiry. She finds Compassionate Inquiry truly liberating from childhood beliefs and perceptions.

She is passionate about helping others live authentic lives as she continues pursuing her own connection with her true self. Her long-term vision is to create a trauma-informed society that provides a safe, nurturing, and healing environment.

Rhonda Nelson

My intention as a Compassionate Inquiry Mentor is to support you toward Compassionate Inquiry Certification and/or in deepening and expanding your knowledge and experience with Compassionate Inquiry competencies. My approach is person-centered and aligns with the qualities inherent in reflective supervision. The process is intended to support and inform your work both personally and professionally. I am a Registered Professional Counselor (RPC), Master Practitioner in Clinical Counseling (MPCC), and Qualified Clinical Supervisor (MPCC-S) to professionals in private practice in and outside of CI. I am a CI Founding Facilitator, Mentor in the CI Mentorship Program and in Private Practice, Certification Reviewer, and Plant Medicine Integration Specialist.

In 2014 I came across the work of Dr. Gabor Maté with an intention to enhance my professional work as an addictions counselor. In the process I found myself experiencing a deep movement of emotional healing and I was profoundly impacted. With my curiosity peaked I began a dedicated self-exploration using Gabor’s books, teachings, and recommended readings. I later attended a plant medicine retreat led by Gabor that was well supported therapeutically by the Compassionate Inquiry approach, which at that time was simply referred to as “Gabor-Style”. This integrated process supported me to drop deeper into the wisdom of my body and, gratefully, it led to further physical, mental, and emotional transformation and well-being. In 2017, I joined Gabor’s original team of plant medicine practitioners abroad to support retreat participants in processing and integration and utilized CI as the foundation upon which I worked.
Over the years I’ve organized various events with Gabor as guest speaker, including co-hosting the second in-person Compassionate Inquiry Workshop. My passion for this work led me to accept an invitation as a CI Founding Facilitator and support the development and establishment of the CI Course and Programs. Along with my roles as CI Mentor and Clinical Supervisor to practitioners in private practice, I am certified in the Basics in Clinical Supervision Training with Dr. Jeff Chang, all of which support my use of best practices.

Connecting to my roots as an addictions counselor, I co-led and co-authored a province-wide (Alberta, Canada) research project on addiction in Mothers, Addiction, and Recovery; Finding Meaning through the Journey, Edited by Peterson, W, Armstrong, L, and Foulkes, M.

My love for writing extends personally as I regularly meet with a group of free-writing enthusiasts. My hobbies include walking with my husband and our dog along the ocean and in the forest, reading, journaling, music, and songwriting. I live in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

CI Mentors

Allison Creech

Luke Sniewski

Sat Dharam Kaur

Michelle Peddle

Stephen Brown

Manjeet Adi Egervari

Lorraine O’Mullane

Mary Lennon

Soraya Romao-Inglis

Rati Roberta Riccardi

Ildiko Acs

Priya Duggal

Tiph Fedor

Lucie Mattar

Alexandra MacKay

Rhonda Nelson

How You Will Benefit from Mentorship

The Compassionate Inquiry® Mentorship Program is designed to improve the ability of the Compassionate Inquiry® Practitioner to use the Compassionate Inquiry® approach with clients, and to protect clients from undue harm. In the Mentorship Program you will:

  • focus on your work with clients as well as professional and personal development
  • receive feedback on your Compassionate Inquiry competencies through video reviews of your Compassionate Inquiry sessions each month
  • receive feedback from at least 4 different Compassionate Inquiry Mentors on your Compassionate Inquiry recordings
  • have an opportunity to discuss challenges and triggers with your mentor
  • identify specific goals related to developing Compassionate Inquiry competencies to address each month
  • engage in 2 Compassionate Inquiry sessions a month with peers, and receive peer feedback related to your Compassionate Inquiry goals
  • identify issues around transference and countertransference
  • discuss your capacity to maintain personal and professional boundaries
  • reflect on the judgements you have of clients, and of yourself
  • gain skills in ensuring your Compassionate Inquiry work is trauma-informed
  • develop greater skills in self-regulation and grounding
  • become proficient at record-keeping through comprehensive written case-taking notes
  • consult your mentor around best practices, termination and referral of clients

Confidentiality is maintained during the Mentorship Program. The full name or identifying information of the client is not revealed and information shared during the mentorship is protected under a contract of confidentiality and may not be shared outside the mentorship relationship.

How Do You Qualify for the Mentorship Program?

Candidates for the Mentorship Program must:

  • have completed the course requirements for the professional online training within the last two years
  • have completed at least 200 hours of a counselling, coaching or mental health focussed accredited program that includes at least 50 hours of basic counselling skills, OR a 200 hr accredited program in any allied health profession plus at least 50 hours of training in basic counselling skills. You will be asked to submit proof of certification and a curriculum outline. This requirement is for those who began their CI training in or after February 2023.
  • be registered with a professional regulatory body that includes counselling or coaching within its scope of practice, and that provides you with a membership number and a code of ethics to abide by
    • The regulatory body you need for the Mentorship Program regulates your existing profession (before or concurrent with CI) in which the scope of practice includes counselling or life coaching or an occupation that includes one or the other or both.
  • be legally able to practice Compassionate Inquiry® within your professional scope of practice and in your jurisdiction
  • have liability insurance that covers Compassionate Inquiry®
  • have an active clinical practice, currently seeing clients and using Compassionate Inquiry with them (minimum 5 per week)

If you do not belong to a professional regulatory body, regardless of whether or not it is a requirement in your country, you do not meet the CI Mentorship Program requirement. The requirement of being registered with a regulatory body that includes counselling and/or coaching helps ensure the integrity of the Mentorship Program and offers protection to the public. There are several professional regulatory bodies that potential mentees can consider, such as:

There are many education programs and various training that will provide you with the qualifications to meet the requirements of these regulatory bodies. CI does not endorse any specific program, regulatory body, or insurance company. We encourage you to do your due diligence and research which programs, regulatory bodies, and insurance companies meet your specific needs. 

Components of the Compassionate Inquiry® Mentorship Program

Components of the Compassionate Inquiry® Mentorship Program:

  1. Personal Mentorship
  2. Group Mentorship
  3. Peer Mentorship
  4. Clinical Practice
Personal Mentorship
  • You will create an initial learning development plan with your personal mentor
  • Your personal mentor will meet with you for 5 sessions of individual mentorship during the 6 month period: 1 meeting per month except for the first month, when you are participating in the orientation
  • At the closing meeting with your personal mentor, you will be advised whether you are ready to apply for certification or whether further clinical practice and/or mentorship is required
Group Mentorship
  • You will attend 3 sessions of group mentorship with 3 different Compassionate Inquiry® Mentors (2-3 people per group), approximately 1.5 months apart
  • Each Compassionate Inquiry® Mentor will review the Compassionate Inquiry videos of 2-3 people and provide feedback.
  • Each session is 2 hours if there are 3 people; 80 minutes if there are 2 people
Peer Mentorship
  • You will engage in personal Compassionate Inquiry work in dyads/triads with your peers twice monthly
  • You will need at least 10 Compassionate Inquiry sessions with peers over the 6 month period – this will help you to be a clear mirror for your clients
Clinical Practice
  • You will engage in a minimum of 50 hours of clinical practice using Compassionate Inquiry during the Mentorship Program
  • You can have a maximum of 5 hours of clinical practice per client, and a minimum of 10 clients
  • At least 30 of these hours are with your private Compassionate Inquiry clients, with a minimum of 8 different private clients
  • 20 clinical practice hours may be obtained from working pro bono with new Compassionate Inquiry course participants who are in Level 1, to gain experience and have permission to videotape (you would then need an additional minimum of 2 clients who are Compassionate Inquiry course participants in Level 1, to total 10 clients)
  • You will submit 50 case studies from clients during the 6-month Mentorship Program; 20 of these case studies can be from Compassionate Inquiry course participants in Level 1; 30 are from your clients outside of Compassionate Inquiry
  • 8 of your videos will be reviewed over 6 months
  • You are required to have 50 hours of clinical practice during the Mentorship Program and another 50 hours before applying for a Certification Review, totalling 100 hours. You are required to see at least 10 different clients to make up the clinical practice hours during the Mentorship Program; and 10 new clients for the clinical practice hours required before the Certification Review, totalling 20 different clients.

Cost of the Compassionate Inquiry® Mentorship Program: $2700 CAD, Cancellation Policy

Payment Options:
  • One payment of $2700.00 CAD
  • 3 payments of $935.00 CAD per month, over 3 months
  • 5 payments of $560.00 CAD per month, over 5 months
  • The price for the Mentorship Program is adjusted annually and may increase
Cancellation Policy:

This is an experiential program with a limited number of spaces available.

Since a space is reserved for you when you register and pay, there are no refunds available for this course. No exceptions.

For additional information, please reach out to us at and your email will be answered within 72-hours, during the Office working days, Monday to Friday (EST Time Zone). We appreciate your patience!

CE Credits: Continuing Education Credits for Health Professionals

For the Mentorship Program:

In Canada, CEs for Psychotherapists:

  • The Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA) has approved the Compassionate Inquiry Mentorship Program for 142 CE Credits. To obtain the Continuing Education Credits application form, please contact Gabriel Olivella at

Health Coaches:

  • The Health Coach Alliance welcomes the Compassionate Inquiry Mentorship Program as an approved CEC Provider.
  • Attendants of the program will be awarded 40 continuing education credits upon completion of the training. Proof of course completion will be required for members to obtain credits.

In the US, CE credit availability for this course is now available for 14 hours of credit.

If you would like to apply for CE Credits for the Mentorship Program and are based in the US, please apply through the appropriate channel below and then pay our application fee.

Click here to pay the $150 CAD Mentorship CE Credit Fee for Practitioners in the US.

For those in the US:

Information on Continuing Education Credit for Health Professionals

• CE credits for psychologists are provided by the Spiritual Competency Academy (SCA) which is co-sponsoring this program. The Spiritual Competency Academy is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Spiritual Competency Academy maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

• The California Board of Behavioral Sciences accepts CE credits for LCSW, LPCC, LEP, and LMFT license renewal for programs offered by approved sponsors of CE by the American Psychological Association.

• LCSW, LPCC, LEP, and LMFTs, and other mental health professionals from states other than California need to check with their state licensing board as to whether or not they accept programs offered by approved sponsors of CE by the American Psychological Association.

• SCA is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN Provider CEP16887) for licensed nurses in California. RNs must retain their certificate of attendance for 4 years after the course concludes.

•For questions about receiving your Certificate of Attendance, contact Gabriel Olivella at
For questions about CE, contact Spiritual Competency Academy at

Apply for the Compassionate Inquiry Mentorship Program:

The applications for the August 2024 Cohort are now open.

Please apply before July 5, 2024. All graduates of the Professional Training are eligible to apply if all course completion requirements have been fulfilled by July 5, 2024. You will need to submit a recent video (in gallery view) of one of your CI sessions with a client (who has not been part of the CI training) as a component of your application to the Mentorship Program

We will review your application by July 20, 2024. If you are accepted, we will invite you to pay and select your top 3 choices of personal mentors by July 25th. We cannot guarantee that you will be paired with your first choice of personal mentor, but you will be partnered with one of your top 3 choices.

The 6-Month Late Fee:

The 6-Month Mentorship Program begins in February and August annually, with an orientation during the first month of the program. Are you currently in the program and need an extension to complete the requirements for the mentorship program? Pay the 6-month Late Fee ($200 CAD) here.

After the 6 month extension, there are no further extensions available. If you are unable to complete the requirements of the Mentorship Program within the time frame required, you will need to retake the Mentorship Program before you are eligible to apply for a Certification Review.

Private Mentoring:

Private mentoring is available to you, at an extra charge, as you participate in the online training. You may contact any of the approved Compassionate Inquiry® Mentors for private mentoring and request that they review one or more videotaped sessions where you are practicing Compassionate Inquiry. They will provide feedback on what competencies you are doing well, and which require further attention. This will accelerate your learning. The cost ranges from $120-$150/hr.

See Private Mentors

This page lists approved Compassionate Inquiry® Private Mentors, whom you may contact for individual or group mentoring for additional mentoring sessions. Whether you are in the Professional Training, are preparing for a Certification Review, or for the supervision sessions required during your first two years of practice as a Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner. Please discuss the rate for mentoring directly with your chosen mentor.

Certification as a Compassionate Inquiry® Practitioner:

If you wish to certify as a Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner, you must apply for a certification review within one year of the last day of your Mentorship Program. For the February Mentorship Program, this would be August 15 the following year. For the August Mentorship Program, this would be February 15 the year after the program ends. Regardless of whether you requested an extension or not, these are the deadlines to apply for certification. If you do not apply for a certification review within 1 year of the last day of your Mentorship Program, you would need to repeat the Mentorship Program again in order to apply for a certification review. For more information on how to certify click the button below.

Learn more about Certification Requirements

Ongoing Mentoring:

  • We recommend that graduates of the Compassionate Inquiry® Professional Online Training have at least 6 Compassionate Inquiry mentoring sessions and/or non-Compassionate Inquiry supervision sessions in their first year of practice; and another 6 sessions in the second year
  • These sessions are a requirement for certified Compassionate Inquiry® Practitioners to maintain their designation and for recertification
  • Compassionate Inquiry® Mentoring and/or non-Compassionate Inquiry Supervision is optimal at least once every 2 months; or for every 20-30 practice hours
  • Compassionate Inquiry® Mentoring safeguards the public, your professional practice and the reputation of Compassionate Inquiry
  • Compassionate Inquiry® Mentoring or non-Compassionate Inquiry Supervision may be provided by Compassionate Inquiry® Mentors, or peer supervisors from your designated profession

Ongoing Participation and Annual Membership:

Our vision is to bring compassion, respect, acceptance, insight, healing, freedom and connection to humanity through an international community of skillful Compassionate Inquiry® Practitioners. We can fulfill this vision by supporting your continued learning of Compassionate Inquiry® and by connecting you to one another through an annual membership. As of May 2020, ongoing access to the online course platform is maintained after course completion, whether you purchase the annual membership or not. You will be emailed an invitation for annual membership for additional resources during the last month of your year long training.

The annual membership fee is currently $150 CAD, and grants you the following benefits:

  • access to attendance at scheduled Compassionate Inquiry® Zoom calls with Gabor, and their recordings for the current year
  • access to non-participatory attendance at Monthly Facilitated Workshops, and their recordings
  • connection to Compassionate Inquiry® alumni
  • continued access to the online community forum
  • invitation to participate in Compassionate Inquiry® focus groups, to collaborate with other practitioners

Click here to sign up for the Annual Membership.

Opportunities in Compassionate Inquiry®

Click the button below to see all opportunities available to you after completing the Mentorship Program as well as the Compassionate Inquiry Internship.

See Opportunities in Compassionate Inquiry®