Compassionate Inquiry Frequently Asked Questions:

General questions:

How do I log in to the Training Platform?

To log in to our platform, please follow this link and enter your email address and password, created when purchasing the course.

How do I reset my password?

If you are receiving an incorrect password message, you might not have entered your login details correctly, please try again, making sure all the information is correct. If this issue persists, please change your password by following this link:

The general link to login is

I can login, but can’t see my course modules. What should I do?

You may only see modules say “Coming Soon”. Often this is by design as you start a new course. If you think this is incorrect and the module should be open, please contact us at

Professional Training

Do I qualify for the Professional Training?

The Compassionate Inquiry Professional Online Training is meant for professionals already working with clients, such as addiction counselors, psychotherapists, psychologists, medical doctors, naturopaths, life coaches, and other related fields, whose scope of practice includes counseling.

Compassionate Inquiry is an approach to add on to an already existing clinical and mental health practice. If you don’t think you currently qualify, we invite you to re-apply after you have completed or are certified in such a training that allows you to legally work with clients in your country.

Examples of such training are a short Life Coach Certification training, Addictions Counseling, or formal University studies at a Masters level.

If you are not a health professional, you may also consider taking the Compassionate Inquiry Short Course.

How can I apply? What should I know before applying?

See here for the current application dates and How to Apply.

Applications for a Subsidy close over a month earlier than applications for the regular training, and are separate forms.

We are unable to transfer applications from cohort to cohort, so if you wish to defer your application to another cohort, you will need to re-apply. Fortunately, you only need to pay the $50 application fee once ever. If you are on our mailing list you will receive a notification.

How should I best prepare my application?

Letter of Recommendation / Resume:

The letter of recommendation must be from a professional person you’ve been working with or had close contact with for two years or more.

We recommend updating your resume specifically to list all therapy/coaching training and related experience you have received or studied.

I’m not sure if my schedule will work with the course. What is the structure?

The course includes modules with many teaching and practice videos, power points, optional meditations, and extensive reading resources. 

You will meet once every two weeks (bi-weekly) for a facilitated group call. You will have weekly practice meetings with other participants in your group.

In addition to the course material, a monthly Zoom Call with Gabor, and a monthly Facilitated Workshop Zoom Call are available (recorded, not required to attend live).

There are 8 modules in this year-long study, with each module being two weeks long. There are three levels, each level extending 16 weeks (you will go through the 8 modules 3 times). 

  • Level One explores Self-Inquiry and Building Connection
  • Level Two focuses on Comprehensive Skill-Building
  • Level Three emphasizes Mastery of Compassionate Inquiry

Terms to Remember:

Online Facilitated Bi-Weekly Group = Between 12-18 people with one facilitator, meeting every two weeks, for 1.5 hours at a fixed scheduled time, which you select when you register for the training.

Pod = Group of approximately six participants, formed from within the bi-weekly group, who divide up into dyads and triads.

Dyad/Triad = A group of two or three people who practice together each week, at a flexible time that you decide among yourselves.

How often does my bi-weekly small group meet?

In this case bi-weekly means once every two weeks.

You will discuss the material from the modules in this bi-weekly group, and must attend at least 22 of 27 bi-weekly meetings in order to qualify for a certificate of course completion. You will also receive much more information on the course structure in the week before the training starts.

The facilitated group call for Module 1 will be an important orientation entering the course. It will involve getting to know your fellow participants and information-sharing about the modules and course structure, including individual work and opportunities to practice what you learn. During this first call, there will be time for questions and answers. 

I previously applied for a program and paid the $50 application fee, however am not currently in the course. Is this fee transferable to a future course?

Yes. You do not need to pay the $50 fee a second time if you have not taken the training. However, applications are not transferable, which means you will need to re-apply in the future. There are no refunds on the application fee.

When will I get a receipt for my payment?

You will receive a receipt within seven days of paying for a Compassionate Inquiry course. If you need your receipt re-sent or to change info on the receipt, please email with your name, email, course name/cohort, and the requested changes.

What is your cancellation policy?

This is an experiential program with a limited number of spaces available. If you wish to withdraw from the program, you will be given a full refund minus a $250 cancellation fee if cancelling up to 4 weeks after the advertised start date of the course. No refunds are allowed starting 4 weeks after the start date of the course, no exceptions.

Cancellation Policy for Payment Plans:

  • your monthly payment date cannot be changed once your initial installment is made (payment will come out on this date each month)
  • if your monthly installment is not made on the regularly scheduled payment date, you will automatically lose access to the online platform with the course materials
  • there are no refunds after the first 4 weeks, therefore monthly payments will continue until paid in full
  • if you wish to withdraw from the training after the first 4 weeks or the course, you are still responsible for completing your monthly payments until paid in full

What are my options if I have specific accessibility needs?

If you have a condition that causes you to work at a slower pace through the training, you may take a 6-month extension after the last day of your training to submit your course completion requirements. You may also repeat the training in subsequent years to complete any work that remained incomplete the previous year. The cost to repeat the training is $1000 CAD. If you have specific accessibility needs, please contact

Am I able to switch to a different bi-weekly small group once I am assigned my facilitator?

You can switch your bi-weekly small group within the first 4 weeks after the advertised start date of the course. After the first 4 weeks, it is not possible to switch groups. Please email if you need to switch your time slot for the biweekly facilitated meetings during the first 4 weeks of the training.

What can I expect from the course, and what is expected of me?

Throughout the training, this is what you can expect from your facilitator: 

  • They offer you the Compassionate Inquiry Psychotherapeutic approach as developed and instructed by Dr. Gabor Maté, and not general counselling theory or practice. 
  • They will embody the 7 Pillars of Compassionate Inquiry and will endeavour to create a learning environment that reflects those pillars.   
  • Unless technical glitches occur they will be punctual in start and finish times for the bi-weekly zoom calls. They promise to prepare themselves and technology in such a way that limits interruptions. 
  • Your facilitator will maintain a professional relationship and ethical boundaries throughout the training with course participants. 
  • See the facilitator Code of Ethics.

This is what facilitators of Compassionate Inquiry ask of you: 

  • Experiential training is such that personal issues arise. You are expected to have additional resources outside of the training, including a therapist, peer support groups, etc., so that you are well supported. It is very likely that you will need this extra support.
  • Unless technical glitches occur, we ask and expect that you be punctual for the bi-weekly meetings as well as dyads/triads. Please prepare yourself and your technology so that interruptions are minimal. 
  • When it is believed by a facilitator, and in consultation with the Compassionate Inquiry Team, that someone’s personal issues or behaviour may prevent them from participating fully or may be disruptive to the group learning, then the individual will be approached to discuss and collaborate on a resolution, which could include being asked to leave the training.
  • See the course participant Code of Ethics.

Click here to view more info on the Professional Training Program.

After completing the Professional Training, what’s next?

After completing the year-long training, you may say that you have completed the 1-year professional training in Compassionate Inquiry and you are able to incorporate CI as a modality that you use with your clients. You are not able to call yourself a CI Practitioner, as that requires completion of the Mentorship Program and completing the certification process.

All course material is proprietary to Compassionate Inquiry Inc. You may not copy our material for your own work, hand out any of it to your clients, nor copy wording from the Compassionate Inquiry website.

See the below images for options after completing the Compassionate Inquiry year-long Professional Training:

Candidates for the Mentorship Program must:

  • have completed the course requirements for the professional online training
  • be registered with a professional regulatory body
  • be legally able to practice Compassionate Inquiry within their professional scope of practice and in their jurisdiction
  • have liability insurance that covers Compassionate Inquiry, unless it is unavailable in your country
  • have an active clinical practice, currently seeing clients (minimum 3 per week)

Compassionate Inquiry Short Course:

What is the cancellation policy?

We do not offer any refunds for the Short Course.

Can I upgrade from the short course to the Professional Program?

The short course is not a precursor to the Professional Online Training. There are no refunds or exchanges between the two courses.