In-person Circles group with Sanjog Kaur, a highly skilled CI Circle Leader, Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner and Mentor.

In-person Circles group with Sanjog Kaur, a highly skilled CI Circle Leader, Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner and Mentor.

In person:
September 16, October 21, November 11 and November 12 from 9 am to 5:30 pm (local time)
Online integration sessions:
Tuesday, September 12, September 26, October 10, October 31 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm (local time)

Language: Spanish

Sanjog Kaur Bio

Nací y crecí en Quito, en las faldas del volcán Pichincha, en el territorio ancestral del pueblo Kitu Kara. Mi experiencia pasada de tener un desorden alimenticio me inspiró a comprometerme con el campo del cuidado de la salud física y mental desde hace 13 años. He tenido la oportunidad de nutrirme de varias corrientes que promueven la sanación desde un enfoque biológico, emocional y social. Considero que la sanación y la justicia social van de la mano, y que todas las personas, independientemente de nuestro origen, tenemos un potencial de sanación y una sabiduría innatas que podemos despertar.

Soy terapeuta, instructora de Kundalini Yoga, antropóloga y traductora. Formo parte del equipo de facilitadores fundadores del programa de Compassionate Inquiry, un modelo psicoterapéutico creado por el Dr. Gabor Maté. Actualmente ocupo el rol de Directora del programa de Compassionate Inquiry en español. También soy Facilitadora y Mentora del programa.

Estoy entrenada en diferentes modalidades terapéuticas, incluyendo IFS, Brainspotting y Arteterapia. He nutrido mi trabajo con entrenamiento previo en Antropología y Estudios de Género. Actualmente resido y trabajo desde Cuenca, Ecuador, donde ofrezco procesos de terapia individual y grupal.

El Círculo presencial que ofreceré en Quito combina las enseñanzas de Compassionate Inquiry con los aprendizajes de mi proceso de sanar la relación con mi cuerpo. El espacio está abierto a personas de todos los géneros y procedencias que anhelen transformar su cuerpo en su hogar.

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English bio

I was born and raised in Quito, in the foothills of the Pichincha volcano, in the ancestral territory of the Kitu Karas in Ecuador. My past experience of having an eating disorder inspired me to commit myself to the field of physical and mental health care for the past 13 years.

I have had the opportunity to nurture myself from various currents that promote healing from a biological, emotional and social approach. I believe that healing and social justice go hand in hand, and that all of us, regardless of our background, have an innate healing potential and wisdom that we can awaken.

I am a therapist, Kundalini Yoga instructor, anthropologist and translator. I am part of the Compassionate Inquiry founding facilitators team. I currently direct the Compassionate Inquiry programs in Spanish. I am also a CI Mentor in both the English and Spanish programs.

I am trained in different therapeutic modalities, including IFS, Brainspotting and Art Therapy. My work is also influenced by my previous training in Anthropology and Gender Studies. I currently reside and work from Cuenca, Ecuador, where I offer individual and group therapy.

The in-person Circles that I will offer in Quito combine the teachings of Compassionate Inquiry with everything I’ve learned in the process of healing the relationship with my body. The space is open to people of all genders and backgrounds who yearn to make their body their home.


Event Information

Registration end: September 3rd, 2023

In person: Saturday, September 16th, October 21st, November 11th and Sunday, November 12th, from 9 am to 5:30 pm (local time)
Online integration sessions: Tuesday, September 12th, September 26th, October 10th, October 31st from 6:30 to 8:30 pm (local time)

Address: Casa de las Flores, Vía Intervalles, Tumbaco

Language: Spanish

Intended numbers of students (min and maximum): 15-18

The weekly meetings are organized at the same address and at the same time for 10 weeks.

Fees & Registration

$476 CAD per person for 10 weeks.
To convert to your local currency, click here.

Click here to register and make the payment.