Upon completing the Compassionate Inquiry® Professional Online Training, various opportunities are available to you:

  • We have a variety of Focus Groups you have the option to join for continued discussion and learning.
  • In each year-long program (three times per year) we invite applications for volunteer positionslearn more here.
  • If you wish to become a Certified Practitioner in Compassionate Inquiry for your work with clients, you must take the Compassionate Inquiry Mentorship Program and be approved by a team of mentors and reviewers. We run two 6-month blocks annually, beginning in February and August.

If you are interested in becoming part of our team, we invite you to take the Compassionate Inquiry Internship Program (available after you have completed the Mentorship Program or are enrolled in it simultaneously). Opportunities available to you upon completing the Compassionate Inquiry Professional Online Training, Mentorship Program and Internship include:

  • Becoming a Compassionate Inquiry Volunteer
  • Becoming a Compassionate Inquiry Professional Training Intern
  • Becoming a Compassionate Inquiry Professional Training Facilitator
  • Becoming a Compassionate Inquiry Mentor
  • Becoming a Compassionate Inquiry Short Course Intern
  • Becoming a Compassionate Inquiry Short Course Educator
  • Becoming a Compassionate Inquiry Circle Intern
  • Becoming a Compassionate Inquiry Circle Leader

If you have questions about any of these, please contact the Graduate Program Specialist, Stephen, at stephen@compassionateinquiry.com.

Qualifications for Compassionate Inquiry Volunteers

In order to apply to be a volunteer for the Professional Training, you must have completed the year-long Compassionate Inquiry Professional Training first.

The role of the volunteers is to create a safe space and to ensure that the participants are following the CI Practice Guidelines and Communication Guidelines. They do not provide feedback on the practice of CI itself but ensure that all guidelines are being attended to. Volunteers support participants by dropping into dyad/triad meetings in all 3 levels of the training. This is in order to support the participants in learning the CI skills, following the Module Practice Guides, and enhancing safety. Volunteers would be assigned to a biweekly group and follow a cohort throughout the year long training. 

We expect our volunteers to drop in on at least 10 dyad/triads throughout the year-long training, though they could certainly do more. We train volunteers in what to do, how to respond, and we organize regular meetings to check in on the process. The volunteers are introduced to the facilitator and biweekly group at the start of a new cohort, along with the interns, and then assigned to drop-ins as their schedule allows. They will communicate to the facilitator of their group if any issues arise within the dyads/triads, and a volunteer coordinator will be available to support the volunteers.

In acknowledgement of the volunteers’ service, we offer a free annual Compassionate Inquiry membership for the year, which provide volunteers with continued access to zoom calls with Gabor, guest workshops etc.

Qualifications for Compassionate Inquiry Professional Training Interns

To Be Eligible to Apply for the Compassionate Inquiry Internship:

  • You must have completed all of the course requirements for the year-long training before applying for the internship, or you will have completed them by the end of your year long training
  • You must simultaneously be enrolled in the Compassionate Inquiry Mentorship Program, or have completed it
  • Submit a reference letter and resumé
  • You must be currently practicing Compassionate Inquiry with your clients
  • You can commit to the internship for one full year

How Are Interns Selected?

Candidates will be selected based on their professional background, the recommendation of their biweekly facilitator, their Compassionate Inquiry skill level as assessed in their videos, their expressed intentions for the internship and whether we think they would be a good fit for our Compassionate Inquiry Team. The number of interns required for each cohort is dependent on the number of biweekly groups. Two interns are allotted per biweekly group.

Qualifications for Compassionate Inquiry Professional Training Facilitators

The Compassionate Inquiry Facilitator can facilitate one or more biweekly groups in the Compassionate Inquiry cohorts.

1. Completion of the year-long internship program.

2. Has completed the Compassionate Inquiry Mentorship Program.

3. A written recommendation and assessment by the individual’s Facilitator that the individual is ready to facilitate, based on observing them facilitate parts of a module during the internship.

4. Submission of one 20-minute video of the individual demonstrating Compassionate Inquiry, so that the Compassionate Inquiry Team is confident that the individual can demo effectively in front of a biweekly group.

5. Demonstrates the technical capacity to use Zoom for scheduling the group meetings, recording, creating break-out groups, muting, locking the room, etc. Also demonstrates the ability to create google docs and google forms.

6. Has high speed internet and reliable wifi.

7. Responds within 48 hours to emails from course participants.

8. Demonstrates excellence in his/her/their capacity to organize, manage time, file, track attendance, organize/access course content, and deliver module content.

9. Has excellent oral and written communication skills.

10.  Is certified as a Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner, and has liability insurance.

11.  Is currently seeing at least 5 clients a week, and is using Compassionate Inquiry with those clients.

12.  Has a Master’s Degree or equivalent in psychology, medicine, social work, or is a registered psychotherapist with at least 5 years of private practice experience, or is a helping professional in another area who has demonstrated exceptional skills in Compassionate Inquiry and group facilitation to be considered as a Facilitator.

13.  Has been approved for the role of Facilitator by Gabor and Sat Dharam.

14.  Once approved as a Facilitator, he/she/they will be invited to begin with the next cohort (if their time slot fills up), with a four-month probationary period (Level 1 is the probation period). If at the end of Level 1, it seems that it is not working out with him/her/them as a Facilitator, the Facilitation Lead would either work with them to improve their skills or request that they withdraw and would assign a new Facilitator to their time slot.

Qualifications for Compassionate Inquiry Mentors

Compassionate Inquiry Mentors can offer mentorship to participants in the year-long training and to graduates of the training, who then pay privately, or they can be hired as mentors for the 6-month Compassionate Inquiry Mentorship Program, to act as personal and/or group mentors. Compassionate Inquiry Mentors may also be invited to participate in Certification Reviews for final certification videos submitted after the mentorship program.

1. Has completed the year-long Compassionate Inquiry Professional Training.

2. Has completed the year-long Compassionate Inquiry Internship Program.

3. Has completed the 6-month Mentorship Program.

4. Is certified as a Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner.

5. Has an active clinical practice in Compassionate Inquiry, seeing at least 5 clients a week.

6. Has a Master’s Degree or equivalent in psychology, medicine, social work, or is a registered psychotherapist with at least 5 years of private practice experience, or is a helping professional in another area who has demonstrated exceptional skills in Compassionate Inquiry, mentoring and group facilitation to be considered as a Compassionate Inquiry Mentor.

7. Has completed training in supervision for psychotherapists or psychologists, such as the Basics of Clinical Supervision by Dr. Jeff Chang.

8. Has attended at least 3 Video Review Sessions during the Internship program, or reviewed the recordings of these video review sessions.

9. Has attended at least 10 Master Classes with Gabor or watched the recordings.

10. Has completed the Compassionate Inquiry Mentoring Internship Training (5 months), shadowing the Compassionate Inquiry Group Mentors if qualifying to be a Compassionate Inquiry Mentor in the Mentorship Program.

11.  Submits one 20-30 minute video of themselves demonstrating Compassionate Inquiry.

12.  Submits one 30 minute video of themselves mentoring someone in Compassionate Inquiry (i.e. a mentee in the following Mentorship Program), reviewing and commenting on the mentee’s video.

13.  Is approved by Gabor, Sat Dharam and Team Leads for the Compassionate Inquiry Mentorship and Certification programs.

Qualifications for Compassionate Inquiry Short Course Intern

You can apply to become a Compassionate Inquiry Short Course Intern if you have:

  1. Completed the year-long Compassionate Inquiry Professional Training.
  2. Completed the 6-month Compassionate Inquiry Mentorship Program.
  3. Completed the year-long Compassionate Inquiry Internship Program. 
  4. Certified as a Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner.
  5. Active clinical practice in Compassionate Inquiry
  6. Attended at least 10 Master Classes with Dr. Gabor Maté 


Qualifications for Compassionate Inquiry Short Course Educators

Compassionate Inquiry Educators can guide groups in Compassionate Inquiry as part of our outreach program, in conjunction with the Self-Study Short Course. Organizations and groups can purchase a certain number of the Short Course at a discounted price, and the Compassionate Inquiry Educator assists individuals in integrating the concepts and skills, through a series of 10 facilitated workshops. The organization or group may request the facilitated sessions for their members, from Compassionate Inquiry Admin via our website, or the Compassionate Inquiry Educator may reach out to organizations directly. Depending on the size of the group involved, Compassionate Inquiry Educators may be requested to work in teams. Compassionate Inquiry Educators will be part of an outreach team, meeting at least 3x yearly to review new developments, potential opportunities and best practices

  1. Has completed the year-long Compassionate Inquiry Professional Training.
  2. Has completed the year-long Compassionate Inquiry Internship Program.
  3. Has completed the 6-month Mentorship Program
  4. Is certified as a Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner.
  5. Has an active clinical practice in Compassionate Inquiry, seeing at least 5 clients a week.
  6. Has a Master’s Degree or equivalent in psychology, medicine, social work, or is a registered psychotherapist with at least 5 years of private practice experience, or is a helping professional in another area who has demonstrated exceptional skills in Compassionate Inquiry and group facilitation to be considered as a Compassionate Inquiry Educator.
  7. Has attended at least 3 Video Review Sessions during the Internship program, or reviewed the recordings of these video review sessions.
  8. Has attended at least 10 Master Classes with Gabor or watched the recordings.
  9. Submits one 20-30 minute video of themselves demonstrating Compassionate Inquiry.
  10. Is approved by Gabor, Sat Dharam and Team Leads for the Compassionate Inquiry Educator position
  11. Has interned at least once in a Short Course and has been approved by the CI Educator

Qualifications for Compassionate Inquiry Circle Interns

Apply to become a Compassionate Inquiry Circle Intern if you have:

  1. Completed the year-long Compassionate Inquiry Professional Training.
  2. Completed the 6-month Compassionate Inquiry Mentorship Program.
  3. Completed the year-long Compassionate Inquiry Internship Program. 
  4. Certified as a Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner.
  5. An active clinical practice in Compassionate Inquiry.
  6. Attended at least 10 Master Classes with Dr. Gabor Maté.
  7. Participated in at least one round of Compassionate Inquiry Circles as a participant. They need to participate as a CI Circle Participant while doing the year long Internship as participating in CI Circle prior to this does not make them eligible. 
  8. Been approved to intern in a Compassionate Inquiry Circle by Circle Leaders & Stewards


Qualifications for Compassionate Inquiry Circle Leaders

Compassionate Inquiry Circle Leaders are trained extensively in Compassionate Inquiry and group facilitation. They come from a variety of backgrounds in the health and helping professions and have:

  1. Completed the year-long Compassionate Inquiry Professional Training.
  2. Completed the 6-month Compassionate Inquiry Mentorship Program.
  3. Completed the year-long Compassionate Inquiry Internship Program. 
  4. Certified as a Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner.
  5. An active clinical practice in Compassionate Inquiry
  6. Attended at least 10 Master Classes with Dr. Gabor Maté 
  7. Participated in at least one round of Compassionate Inquiry Circles as a participant
  8. Interned at least once as a Compassionate Inquiry Circle Intern
  9. Been approved to lead a Compassionate Inquiry Circle by Circle Leaders & Stewards